May 08, 2019

One of the most popular methods of coffee extraction is the cold brew. Not just because it tastes great but because it offers the coffee drinker something a little different and usually means that the customer doesn’t have to wait as long to grab a coffee before work.

Given that this method is brewed cold, the flavour is less acidic, it’s rich and incredibly smooth and the natural sweetness of the coffee is preserved meaning there is no need to add sugar to your brew. 

As usual with any method of coffee making, everyone has their own ‘special’ way of making a cold brew and a lot of baristas will ensure you are led to believe that only the most experienced and qualified can achieve a good result. Not so.

To make coffee in the commercial world takes practice and understanding. The 2 things that separate the coffee makers from the baristas. Cold brew coffee is so simple that anyone can do it at home and as long as you have the right apparatus, you can make a product that rivals if not surpasses the quality of cold brew you’ll find at your local cafe. 

One of the best cold brew coffee apparatus on the market is the Mizudashi Cold Brew Coffee Pot, made by Hario. It comes in a 600ml or 1lt size and comes complete with a fitted internal filter so there’s no mess.

I have the 600ml version at home so these instructions are for this size.



  • Put the lid on and place in the fridge allowing the coffee to infuse for anything between 3-12 hours. Preferably overnight.


  • Afterwards, remove the filter containing the used coffee grounds and pour cold brew directly from the jug into your glass.


That’s it! 

This apparatus will cost around $30-35 to purchase and is absolutely the best and easiest way to make a cold brew at home.


Click here to purchase or watch Sam in the video above.  

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